
9 Incredible Benefits of Castor Oil for Skin

Castor oil is an effective remedy for ringworm. It is a benign but persistent disease of the scalp due to fungus that affects all age groups.

How to explain it? One of the active ingredients of castor oil is undecylenic acid.

It is a powerful fungicide that kills fungi and is particularly effective on ringworm.

Here are the steps to follow to eliminate ringworm with castor oil:

  • Dilute two teaspoons of castor oil in 4 teaspoons of sweet almond oil.

Note: You can also macerate castor leaves in sweet almond oil for several hours.

Then heat the oil over low heat.

  • Apply this mixture with a cotton swab to the affected areas of the scalp.
  • For best results, leave on overnight. Continue this treatment until the ringworm is completely gone.

3. Reduces wrinkles and fine lines

When applied directly to the skin, castor oil penetrates deep into the epidermis.

The oil stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which softens and moisturizes your skin.

As a result, daily castor oil treatments delay the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

And it makes your skin smoother and more supple. Castor oil can even help you reduce crow’s feet, those tiny lines around the eyes.

For best results, apply a drop of castor oil to your face after washing daily.

Continue for 2 weeks. For the rest of your body, you can also apply castor oil every night before bed.

4. Treats and eliminates acne

Castor oil has a high content of ricinoleic acid. This is a fatty acid that has the ability to eliminate acne-causing bacteria.

In addition, ricinoleic acid penetrates the skin deeply.

This makes it an ideal natural remedy to treat and eliminate acne.

Here’s how to use castor oil to treat acne:

  • Wash your face with warm water, so that your skin pores are well dilated.
  • Then, make circular movements with your fingertips. The goal is to make well penetrate the castor oil in your skin.
  • Leave it on overnight.
  • The next morning, rinse your face with cold water.

5. Deeply moisturize your skin

Castor oil is a great moisturizer. Thanks to its high fatty acid content, this oil easily penetrates the skin.

This promotes optimal hydration of the epidermis, even in particularly dry areas. A small amount of castor oil is sufficient for this type of care.

So, if you’re looking for an inexpensive, highly effective and 100% natural moisturizer…

Look no further! Here’s a little tip for use:

  • Apply a few drops of castor oil to your face.
  • Massage your skin well every night. If you follow our advice, your skin will be smooth, supple and revitalized, every morning!

6. Reduces scars

One of the most common uses of castor oil is for scar reduction.

Admittedly, this process takes several weeks to show results. Very regular applications of castor oil are required.

But, believe us, it is worth it:

the aesthetic benefit is real in the end.

And once the result is obtained, it is a 100% natural solution with permanent effects. And once again, let’s remember.

This scar-reducing property of castor oil is based on its richness in fatty acids.

These fatty acids penetrate deep into the fragile skin of scars. They give them more volume and stimulate the regeneration of healthy tissue.

Patiently, castor oil works to make your scars disappear and strengthen your epidermis.

7. Reduces stretch marks



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