4. Bad habits
Parents are the role models for their children. And there is a strong connection between the habits of mothers and extra weight in their children. For women who try to have a healthy lifestyle, the risk of obesity in their children is 75% lower. Researchers claim that good habits, that have a positive influence on kids, are having a healthy diet, regular exercise, not smoking, and not drinking or drinking very little alcohol.
Also, young children are 30% less likely to be obese if their fathers spend a lot of time playing with them.
5. Overcompensation
Our old grudges against our mothers and fathers can lead to a complete aversion to their parenting methods. Even when it comes to the things they did right. As a result, when we start our own families, we might push it too far when trying to do things differently.For example, if our parents were too authoritarian, we might give too much freedom to our children. And this overcompensation cannot be good for children: they might feel abandoned and not needed.
6. Permissiveness or overprotection
Very often, parents think that their sons and daughters are special and unique and they try to do the best they can. But for the rest of the world, they are just children. And if they get used to permissiveness, they might grow up to be selfish people with an unrealistic sense of entitlement, who are hard to communicate with.
Uncontrollable children will have a lot of disappointment in their lives outside of the home and they won’t have any idea of how to deal with it. At the same time, being too overprotective might make your children easily scared, so they will be afraid of taking any responsibility or going outside of their comfort zone — like meeting someone new or starting a business.
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