Health & Fitness

9 Ways To Increase Your Appetite Naturally

The food we eat keeps our tummy full. However, what would you do on days you don’t feel like eating anything? When you don’t have any cravings or desire to eat even your favorite foods? That’s when the natural appetite stimulants listed below can come to your rescue.

Your body needs a basic diet and nutrition to optimally maintain all its processes. In this article, we discuss the reasons for a loss of appetite and how you can keep your digestive fire burning with the help of some home remedies and natural tips and tricks. Read on to know more.

What Causes Loss Of Appetite?

Loss of appetite can be temporary or long-term. The leading causes of a poor or absent appetite are:

  • Emotional distress
  • Depression
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Breakdown of relationships
  • Debilitating illnesses
  • Eating disorders

Here are some simple home remedies for increasing appetite in children and adults.

  1. Pure Maple Syrup
  2. Spices
  3. Coriander
  4. Fennel Tea
  5. Ginger & Coriander
  6. Carom Seeds
  7. Vitamins
  8. Fish Oil Supplements
  9. Yoga Or Other Exercises

Home Remedies To Increase Appetite



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