Dealing with dirty grout? Check out the easiest way to clean grout. See how to clean grout without a lot of scrubbing. Your grout will look like new again!
Love the look of tile but hate dealing with dirty grout? I completely understand! I like how durable and low-maintenance tile is, but grout and all its stains drive me crazy! Our kitchen is particularly bad because of spills. I feel like I am always trying to clean the grout.
I had noticed a lot of people on Pinterest were talking about using toilet cleaner on grout so I decided to give it a try. I was amazed at the difference it made. It really is the easiest way to clean grout.
Check out how dirty my grout was before I started cleaning.
To get started cleaning your grout you will need a few supplies and some time. Most of your time will be spent waiting on the cleaner to work not actually scrubbing.
Supplies Needed:
- toilet cleaner
- power brush or scrub brush
- microfiber cloth or rag
- water
I bought the toilet cleaner from the dollar store for a dollar each.
Start By Spot Testing
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