How to clean up vomit immediately
Cleaning vomit can be kinda disgusting and hard at the same time. But I will now show you some steps needed to clean away vomit stains immediately.
Things you’ll need:
- Baking soda
- Vinegar
- Spoon
- Small trash bag
Baking soda method
Step 1. Scoop up the puke with the spoon
As disgusting as this might be, it is something that has to be done. I recommend that you use a disposable spoon as they are cheap and disposing of them won’t be an issue. After scooping up the vomit place it into a small trash bag. Scooping up the puke will make the rest of the cleaning process really easy.
Step 2. Pour warm water all over the vomit stained area
Just get pour some warm water on the vomit-stained area. The reason why you should do this is that the warm water will loosen some of the puke stains off of the carpet making it easier to clean.
Step 3. Sprinkle baking soda all over the vomit stained area
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