
Military High and Tight Haircuts

Just like any other military approved haircuts for men, military high and tight style now has a greater percentage of people cutting it when compared with other military men haircuts.

High and tight is one of the easiest hairstyles to maintain, hygienic and it also works pretty well for men with partial hair loss. One funny thing about it is that it doesn’t fit well for guys with the bad head shape.

For new trainees in my country, you must go bald after training you can go with high and tight or remain bald (nothing else). But as time and rankings increases, your relationship with battlefield decreases, then you can get any another hairstyle.

Here are the approved high and tight military approved haircuts that will inspire you. Even if you aren’t joining the military, this hairstyle might as well be a perfect and responsible looking haircut for you.

High And Tight With Flat Top


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