A baseboard is definitely a place that most people including myself usually forget to clean. When I used to clean my home I used to overlook the baseboard areas. Until one day they looked extremely dirty. They had a lot of dust and other markings on them. That’s when I decided to clean it. Once I was finished cleaning the baseboards, it made the rest of the house look way cleaner than before.
Now it’s time for me to tell you how to do it. You have 2 options. Option one is to use a magic eraser. For this, all you need to do is get a magic eraser sponge and soak it in water. Then squeeze the excess water out of it. Now use the sponge to clean the baseboards. Be sure to scrub gently.
The second option is to use an old toothbrush. A toothbrush? You might ask but yes a toothbrush is great at cleaning things such as shoes, grooves, and other hard-to-reach areas. Now all you need to do is use the toothbrush to clean the baseboards(make sure the brush is wet. If you realize that the stains or scuff marks are still there, just squeeze a tip of dish soap on the toothbrush(like how you would squeeze toothpaste on a toothbrush). Now gently brush the walls.
These 2 options will make your baseboards look way cleaner than before.
Another place that most people usually overlook when they are cleaning is tables or desks. People not only leave them dirty for a long time but they also leave them unorganized as well. The best way to clean any table or desk is to use a duster and get rid of the dust that was on them. Then use a slightly damped microfibre cloth to wipe the legs of the table. Then use a dry microfibre cloth to give the table a final wipe
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