
10 Best Metabolism Boosting Foods You Must Add To Your Diet

It’s okay to gain weight – especially when you have a desk job that does not allow you to move much. However, if you want to shed a few pounds, you can consume metabolism-boosting foods. A sedentary lifestyle slows down metabolism. As a result, you gain weight. But worry not – as you don’t have to starve or sweat for hours in the gym. There are certain foods that increase metabolism and burn fat. Continue reading to learn about the foods you need to consume to kick-start your metabolism.

1. Green Tea

Green tea remains the unchallenged winner in the best natural weight loss drink category. The catechins in green tea – epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), epicatechins (EC), and epigallocatechin (EGC) – are antioxidants (1). These help scavenge the harmful oxygen radicals and prevent oxidative damage to the cells, DNA, and cellular functions. When you prepare green tea the right way, the antioxidants help protect the cells, which function normally and keep your metabolism going.

Drink 3-4 cups of green tea per day to boost your metabolism, energy levels, and weight loss.

Denise Larkin, a fiction writer and lifestyle blogger, talks about the wondrous benefits of green tea she has experienced firsthand. “I class it as a weight loss tea because it can help you burn fat much quicker than normal but it also helps me with other ailments too. Drinking Green tea has quickened my metabolism as I have been losing weight weekly (i),” she says.

Green tea has a diverse flavor profile. Japanese green tea has a grassy flavor, while Chinese green teas have a hint of peach or chocolate flavors.

Due to its high popularity and visible detox effects, green tea’s market viability only keeps expanding. The global green tea market had been reported to be around USD 15 billion in 2021. The United States was the top importer of green tea that year, followed by China, as demonstrated in the graph below.

Global Leading Green Tea Importing Countries In 2021



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