
10 Foods To Strengthen Your Immune System (And 5 To Avoid)

Strong immune health is key for overall health and well-being. Your immune system is your protector. It safeguards your body from pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites that may attack your body. It protects you from their potential harm, such as infections, inflammation, illness, and disease.

If you want to protect yourself from illness and health issues, boosting your immune health is essential. The good news is that eating an immune-boosting diet and taking immune-supporting supplements can improve your immune health significantly.

In this article, you will learn about the importance of good immune health and the main things that may harm your immune health. You will also learn about my 10 favorite foods that can strengthen your immune system, and some powerful immune-boosting supplements I recommend this season.

Importance of Good Immune Health

Your immune system is absolutely essential not only for your health but simply for your survival. It is a complex network of cells and tissues in your body with the goal of protecting you. They are watching for invaders, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, and more that may attack your body. If they note a pathogen, they attack them protecting your for harm. Without the protection of your immune system, your body would be open to attack or harm from these pathogens.

Your immune system is there to keep you healthy. A compromised immune system becomes sluggish, and cannot properly protect you, leaving you vulnerable to infections, illness, and disease. Hence, good immune health is an essential base for establishing good health.

5 Things Immune Killing Mistakes To Avoid

If you want to protect your immune system, there are a few things you need to watch out for. Let’s look at the top 5 things that can hurt your immune health.



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