
25 Fail-Proof Frugal Living Tips to Reduce your Household Expenses This Year

Sometimes we hang our hats where we can’t reach. Ever heard this saying? It means living beyond our means; spending more than we earn. Finances will be so much easier if we adopt a frugal lifestyle and follow simple frugal living tips. For starters, there will be less people in debt and more people will be able to achieve financial freedom, early retirement and live a happy, financially fulfilled life. But few people know that they can practice frugal living ideas and STILL live a comfortable life. Maybe it has a little to do with being contented with what you have but it’s also about making little changes that can help you get your finances in order.

I’m a frugal living nut. Some people argue that this is the same as being a ‘cheapskate’ but I prefer being called a careful spender. Actually living frugally DOES NOT equal being a cheapskate AT ALL. It simply means making smarter money moves and making your money work for YOU.

I love practicing my frugal ways and I will continue to follow these frugal living tips over the next year as we embark on our journey to save $15 000 in 6 months.

Do you have financial goals this year too? I’m certain these frugal living ideas and money saving tips will help you crush all your financial goals this year!

1. Budget

You cannot reduce your expenses if you don’t know exactly how much you earn and spend each month. The best way to do this is to create a budget. A budget helps you keep track of every incoming and outgoing penny and will help you manage your money this year. If you’re not sure where or how to start, follow my Budgeting for Beginners Guide which is a 7 Step Guide that shows the right way to get started with budgeting.

Budgeting will help you evaluate your expenses so that you can determine which ones are unnecessary or which ones can be reduced.

2. Meal Plan


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