Health & Fitness

Gynec Alert: Never Ignore These 8 Menstrual Problems!

Ask a woman, and she’ll tell you it’s true, a woman lives from cycle to cycle. If you eavesdrop on an all-girls conversation, you are likely to hear, “I just finished my period”, “Oh God! It hurts”, “I am PMS-ing, like big time”, “Hey! Have you got a pad on you?”, and “No! I can’t, I need meds”.

Now that women have started talking openly about the taboo-ed periods, every ‘kind’ of period seems normal. But is it really NORMAL, in the true sense of the word? To figure that out, let’s start with the basics.

What’s A Menstrual Cycle?

The menstrual cycle encompasses the series of changes in a woman’s body that take place every month in preparation for a possible pregnancy. Every month, the ovaries release an egg as a part of the process called ovulation. While that is happening, changes in hormones prepare the uterus for pregnancy. If the egg isn’t fertilized immediately after ovulation, the lining of the uterus sheds, and gets flushed out through the vagina. This is what we know as menstruation.

What Is Normal When It Comes To Periods?

To know what is abnormal, it is important to first find out what’s normal. Here are some pointers:

  1. Typically, a cycle should last anywhere between 26 to 32 days. But only if it is consistent for you.
  2. When you bleed, what collects on your pad should resemble the color of cranberry juice all throughout your period.
  3. There should be no clots.
  4. Your flow should be strong, yet not as heavy that you have to run to the bathroom every hour.
  5. It is considered extremely healthy if your period starts first thing in the morning.
  6. There should be no brown stains leading up to the ‘normal’ cranberry red.
  7. A normal period lasts anywhere between 4 to 7 days. Not longer. Not shorter.
  8. A slight tingling feeling in the uterus is fine, but pain that makes you reach for medicine every single month is NOT normal.
  9. Once you finish with your period, in the run-up to ovulation, you should see the development of cervical fluid, which indicates fertility.
  10. PMS seems to be the norm, but in fact, you will notice an increase in your social energy towards the middle of your cycle. And then, in the second half of your cycle, you will see yourself being more focused and determined to get things done.

When Can You Call Your Period Abnormal?


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