
7 Exercises To Get Rid Of A Turkey Neck

Aging brings many changes to your body, and one of the least welcome ones is a turkey neck. Imagine noticing yourself in the mirror after a long time and seeing a wrinkly, wobbly bit of skin hanging under your chin. Nightmare, right? Turkey neck is an unappreciative expression for wrinkled, saggy skin below the neck. It mainly results from weakening neck muscles which lets the skin hang loosely. Now, before you start to panic and resort to cosmetic surgeries to tighten your skin, we’ve got some easy home remedies for you. But prior to that,, let us look into the main reasons that lead to dealing with a turkey neck besides old age.


What causes the development of dreadful waddles like the traditional Thanksgiving bird, you ask? The most common cause of Turkey neck is aging and the decrease in collagen levels in the skin. If either or both of your parents have wobbly skin under their necks, there is a chance you will inherit it too. It depends on your skin type. If your parents had loose skin on their necks, there is a great chance that you would also develop one. So take the skincare expert’s advice and use your moisturizer and other facial serums on your neck too. If you include that in your routine at an early age and continue the practice, your skin would be in a much better condition and stay smooth.

Sun Damage

Did you enjoy sunbathing without caring for the sunscreen lotion when you were young? It’s all fun and games till the UV radiation soaks into the inner layer of skin and damages vital cells responsible for elasticity. It is easy to identify frequent sunbathers based on their tanned, wrinkled, and leathery skin. Now, because sun damage can affect collagen production, it’s natural that it can cause facial skin to waste its elasticity and turn wrinkly. One way to lessen the chance of sun-related damage is to apply a strong sunscreen and not head out while the sun is shining at its peak.



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