
8 Benefits of Face Massage Everyone Must Know

Having a facial after a super busy week relaxes you, and let’s not forget the best part about facial massage. Facial massage can be done by a physician and on your own, this beauty technique is considered the best way to calm your skin and get a perfect complexion.

Techniques include stimulating pressure points on your face and neck. You can also add it to your skincare routine using lotion, face serum, or oil and apply it with a crystal or roller that will give you a relaxing massage. A facial massage calms your mind, rejuvenates your skin, and relaxes your facial muscles.

Experts are thinking about the benefits of facial massage, it is like a workout but for your face. It increases blood flow, helps reduce puffiness, and more. There are many massage techniques and different types of massage that you can do on your own or can be done by professionals.

Types of face massage techniques


This massage technique is used to restore soft tissues. It helps in relaxing the muscles.


In this technique, special cups are applied to the skin to make suction. This is done to increase blood flow, reduce pain and relax your muscles.

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