Health & Fitness

Ingrown Toenail : 8 Quick and Effective Remedies to Get Rid of it

I know what many people think: An ingrown toenail on the big toe is no big deal.

And yet, believe me, it is not without danger! In this article, I explain why it is very important to treat the problem as soon as it appears.

Because a skin infection can quickly develop into a panic attack. Fortunately, there are effective home treatments to treat your foot (or hand) at home without a prescription.

Here are 8 grandma’s remedies to get rid of an ingrown toenail in just one week. Watch:

Ingrown toenail: what are the symptoms and causes?

An ingrown toenail occurs when one of the edges of the nail digs into the surrounding skin.

More specifically, it is an abnormal digging into the flesh. And those who know will tell you: It’s very painful.

In addition, redness and swelling appear around the affected area. Most often, this problem affects the big toe. It is a very common condition in both men and women.

The most common causes are

  • Cutting the nails too short or at an angle (too close to the intersection with the skin)
  • Wearing socks or shoes that are too tight
  • Shocks and trauma, such as banging your toe on a piece of furniture
  • Repetitive strain injuries, especially for runners.

8 Quick and Effective Remedies to Get Rid of it

#8 Soak your foot in warm soapy water

This will help reduce swelling and relieve pain. Soak the affected foot in a bath of warm soapy water. How long should I do this?

It is recommended that you do this treatment 3 times a day for up to 20 minutes.

It is best to use a 100% natural soap. For example, Aleppo soap.

Do you have Epsom salt at home? Then add it to your foot bath. Indeed, it is also known to relieve foot pain.

#7 Soak your foot in cider vinegar


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