
DIY Lip Scrub Homemade Recipe

Natural DIY lip scrub homemade recipe that you can make at home and get smooth and soft lips. Lip scrubs don’t have to be complicated or expensive to achieve the desired results.

Why Use Natural Lip Scrubs

Scrubbing your lips should be done regularly to avoid having dry and chapped lips. Scrubbing should be done in addition to drinking enough water and keeping the lips moisturized.

Use natural lip scrubs once a week as a way of maintaining healthy and soft-looking lips.

Do Lip Scrubs Lighten Dark Lips?

Natural lip scrubs give amazing results even for people who smoke. If you have dark lips, you can scrub the regularly to reveal soft and supple lips.

This is because the lip scrub will remove any unwanted dead skin and helps accelerate the rate at which the dark skin is cleared.

If you have dark lips and want to lighten them, you can add turmeric which is a natural lightening agent to the recipe below.

DIY Sugar Lip Scrub Recipe

This DIY lip scrub is a popular beauty DIY recipe and I have used it for many years. It is easy to make and you can use it as a natural alternative to store-bought lip scrubs.

Lip scrub Ingredients


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