Health & Fitness

How to Lower Blood Pressure Quickly and Safely

When your blood pressure is high, it means your heart is working harder than it should to pump blood through your body. Many people have high blood pressure without even knowing it. But it’s essential to keep it in check because it raises the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

You can measure your blood pressure at home using a blood pressure cuff or at your doctor’s office. They measure it in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). Here’s what the numbers mean:

– Normal: Less than 120/80 mm Hg

– Elevated: Between 120-129 for the top number (systolic) and less than 80 for the bottom number (diastolic)

– Stage 1 hypertension: Between 130-139 for the top number and 80-89 for the bottom number

– Stage 2 hypertension: Between 140-179 for the top number and 90-119 for the bottom number

To lower your blood pressure, one effective method is regular exercise. Adults should aim for around 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week. This could be anything from brisk walking to swimming or cycling. Regular physical activity can help your heart work more efficiently and bring your blood pressure down naturally.

How long does it take to lower blood pressure?


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