Health & Fitness

Toothache Relief: 17 Best Home Remedies for Toothache Pain

Toothaches can vary in intensity, ranging from a slight discomfort to a pounding ache, and they can happen unexpectedly. It’s important to see a dentist promptly if you have a toothache because cavities might not cause pain until they lead to an infection in the tooth’s nerve, which could indicate a more serious issue.

However, there are practical and scientifically supported methods to alleviate toothache pain temporarily while you wait for your dental appointment.

What Is a Toothache?

A toothache can manifest as sharp, dull, or throbbing pain that may be constant or come and go, according to Sharon Huang, D.D.S., who runs Les Belles NYC, a dental practice in New York. The cause could be an infected nerve within the tooth or a gum infection. It might also serve as a symptom of a heart attack.

Ignoring toothaches is risky because they’re signals from our bodies that something isn’t right, Huang emphasizes. Our nerves send countless messages to our brains about potential attacks, infections, or injuries, prompting us to feel pain.

Why are toothaches so agonizing? Huang explains that the nerves inside our teeth are incredibly sensitive, making any irritation or infection intensely painful.


Home Remedies for Toothache Pain

Several home remedies can offer temporary relief from toothache pain, but it’s crucial to consult your dentist before trying them. Additionally, if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, or have any medical conditions that might be affected by herbal ingredients, it’s best to discuss these remedies with your dentist beforehand.

1. Raw Garlic

Garlic has been known for ages as a powerful medicinal plant with numerous health benefits, including its antimicrobial and antibiotic properties. If your toothache stems from a bacterial infection, garlic can provide quick relief. Its antibiotic qualities help combat infections, giving you relief from discomfort.

What’s great about using garlic for a toothache is its simplicity. Just chew on a clove or two to experience significant pain relief. Alternatively, you can create a garlic paste by crushing a clove and mixing it with table salt. If fresh garlic isn’t available, garlic powder works just as well.

2. Salt Water Rinse


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