
7 Warning Signs You Are Dating A Narcissist! Dating Advice & Relationship Tips!

7 Signs Your Partner Is A Narcissist

Most of us have had a toxic relationship or two in our lives. And if you’re reading this, you might be in one right now.

Narcissists are dangerous people to be in love with. They trick you into falling in love with them and then once they have you, they lie, belittle you, emotionally abuse you and make you feel like it’s all your fault when the relationship fails. The worst part is, many of us end up trying to fix the relationship, doing whatever we can to make the narcissist happy again. It’s a downward spiral that almost always ends with a broken heart.

This type of codependent relationship, where you desperately need them and they need you to fulfil their needs, can be very damaging to your mental health. You begin to lack self worth, your self esteem plummets and you can end up isolated, alone and even depressed.

The pain of heart break can leave you feeling vulnerable and oftentimes your friends and family just don’t see your side of things. They only see a toxic relationship and you should just get over already. I’ve been there before and even began to hide the problems from my family and friends because they didn’t seem to understand or want to hear it anymore.

Talking to someone who understands can really help. Because sometimes, you really do need better help!

BetterHelp is a safe, online outlet to connect with real licensed, board certified counsellors that can help you cope with the effects of being in a codependent relationship. They work with you to gain the confidence to break free and get your life back!

How Can Therapy Help?

Sometimes you need more than just your best friends advice. A counsellor can help you work out your issues, identify the real problems and figure out a solution. It gives you the confidence you need to make the right choice for you!

You can connect with a a therapist from the comfort of your home, discreetly through online chat, txt, video calls or instant messaging.

So how do you know if you’re dating a narcissist?

What Is A Narcissist?


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