
How To Declutter Your Phone and Digital Life

Overwhelmed by emails, apps, and more? Check out these simple tips on how to declutter your phone and digital life. Say goodbye to overwhelm!

I love my phone and most of the digital technology that we have today. It is so nice that we have the convenience of a phone pretty much wherever we go.

When my husband and I were first married my car broke down on the side of the road. I was about 2 hours from home and it was very late at night. Luckily I was almost to an exit when it broke down.

I pushed my car to the side of the road and walked to the exit to use a payphone. It was not a fun evening.

I am very thankful that now I have a cell phone and could easily call an uber or my husband from the car.

However, as wonderful as my phone is there are a few negatives to owning a phone.

  • You never really get away from everything and truly take a break if you are always on your phone.
  • I sometimes find myself checking my emails or social media in the evenings when I should be relaxing or spending time with family.

Recently, I decided to spend some time decluttering my phone so I didn’t have all the clutter and distractions on my phone.

Digital clutter can be just as distracting as real clutter in our homes. Get rid of all those things you don’t need. Check out these easy tips on how to declutter your phone and digital life.

If you have been following me for long you know I am a big fan of decluttering. I challenged myself to declutter my home in just 7 days.

I mainly used the tips below to declutter my phone and my laptop. However, you can use them to declutter an ipad or another device.

With a few simple steps, your digital life can be free from clutter. We will be decluttering the following things.

  • Decluttering Unused Apps
  • Decluttering Email Inboxes
  • Cleaning Up Social Media
  • Decluttering Pictures (I will share my favorite tip for decluttering digital photos!)

Decluttering your cell phone doesn’t have to be difficult.

Declutter Apps


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