I remember when I was first exploring the law of attraction, I had done endless research on this. I had a religious background growing up. That meant a lot of superstitious stuff.
So I’ll admit, when I would search for “how to attract money spiritually,” I was expecting to see stuff about rituals and spells.
Thankfully, I know much better now, so I don’t have to spend money buying scented candles of certain colors. I can just take a shortcut!
I’m about to reveal that to you, but first, understand this:
Everything Is Spiritual
I mean, everything. Including money. So if you landed on this page, looking for a way to spiritually attract money, that tells me two things:
1. You think money is not spiritual.
2. You think that there are other ways besides “spiritual” ways to receive money.
Let me explain further. Spirit is all we are. Spirit is All-That-Is. That includes not just us living, breathing creatures, but EVERYTHING.
It’s all one thing. You can call it Consciousness. You can call it Spirit. Energy. It doesn’t matter, because it’s all one and the same. Here’s the thing, guys:
Without Consciousness, There Is Nothing
You can phrase that however you want. Without spirit, there is nothing. Without energy, there is nothing.
You with me so far? Good. Let’s move on.
You Have A Frequency
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