
Reset Your Thyroid In 7 Days to Burn Fat and Activate Your Metabolism

It’s estimated that over twelve percent of the population in the world will experience a thyroid problem at some point—still more conditions will go mis- or undiagnosed.

The situation has been called “epidemic” by some and the incidence of thyroid cancer has doubled in the last forty years.

This is troublesome because the small bow-tie gland in the neck is a primary component of the immune system; if it’s not functioning properly, we become susceptible to an infinite number of illnesses.

The thyroid is responsible for producing hormones that regulate metabolism, heart rate, digestion, muscle control, and brain development.

Typical problems with the thyroid are hypothyroidism (under-active) or hyperthyroidism (over-active).

When the thyroid doesn’t produce adequate amounts of hormones—particularly “T3” and “T4” (triiodothyronine and thyroxine)—the metabolism slows, resulting in weight gain, fatigue, increased blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and depression.

Producing too many of these hormones has the opposite effect—uncontrollable weight loss, accelerated heart rate, insomnia, and anxiety.

Most of the current thyroid problems are of the hypo variety, hence the obesity epidemic.

Environmental and lifestyle factors contribute to a malfunctioning thyroid and, while some are seemingly out of our control, many are not.

Low Thyroid Function

Your thyroid is your “master gland” and affects every cell in your body, regulating cell metabolism. When your thyroid is low or “sluggish”, it doesn’t produce enough active thyroid hormone (T3).

Literally every part of your body is affected by a sluggish thyroid AKA Hypothyroidism. And since the thyroid regulates the burning of energy (calories) your weight will go up as your thyroid (i.e. metabolic rate) goes down.

Maybe you aren’t “lazy” after all?

Symptoms of Low Thyroid Function – Weight gain, low energy, fatigued, tendency to feel cold, high cholesterol, headaches, low blood pressure, menstrual problems, skin problems, and reduced sexual drive.

Thyroid: Toxin Overload

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