
Here’s How Pineapple Affects Your Blood Sugar and Helps Fight Diabetes!

People suffering from diabetes need to take proper care of their diet in order to keep their blood sugar levels in check. Diabetes sufferers generally need to eat foods with a lower GI (Glycemic Index) and regulate their carbohydrate intake as well. Fiber-rich fruits and vegetables are a great choice of food for diabetics, but they do contain carbs, which is why they should be consumed with caution. If you want to learn how to balance your diet in case of diabetes, continue reading the article below.

Useful diet tips for diabetics

Eating a healthy diet is highly important for diabetics. If you’re suffering from the disease, you’ll need to eat foods rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals while avoiding processed foods, sweets and fatty foods as well. We suggest consulting your doctor who will create a special diet suited to your needs.

Counting carbs

Diabetics need to count their carbs on a daily basis. Carbohydrates can raise blood sugar levels, which is why it’s very important to keep their intake regulated. This is why it’s important to create a daily and weekly meal plan which will allow you to count the carbs in your food easily.

The number of carbs you get from any type of food depends on your physical activity, weight, goals and certain medications you may be on. In general, the limit of carbs should exceed 20 gr. per snack or 60 gr. per meal. Besides counting carbs, you’ll also need to pay attention to the glycemic index of your foods. The GI depends on the state of the food, the processing, the amount of fat and fiber, the ripeness and the variety of food as well.

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