
How I Use Coffee To Get Amazing Legs

We’ve all been there: summer hits, and you have to break out the swimsuit that shows all the skin you’ve been hiding that previous winter. You know, that moment you look down and it looks like it just snowed on your legs, because they haven’t been cared for since last August? Well, fret no more, because your legs are about to shine like the summertime stars because I have the only beauty solution you need this summer: coffee.

While I prefer my coffee strung up in an IV connected to my body 24/7, (kidding, but not really) coffee is, in fact, quite notorious in the world of beauty. It is highly regarded for being filled with amazing skin-enhancing properties— benefiting antioxidants, caffeine, and cellulite reducing diuretic components.

When you take all these factors and combine them into the ideal beauty product, you get coffee scrub. No more bottles of grainy exfoliators that cost a ton (or are supposed to be used for your face, I know, I do it too). Coffee scrub is here to save money, time, and your legs.

My recipe uses Whole Foods Allegro Coffee, their private label that is just as delicious as it is beautifying. (I recommend the Blue Nile Blend with a dash of almond milk, yumm), coconut oil, olive oil, sugar, a bowl, and a spoon.

Let’s get dirty, ladies….

Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • 1 cup pre-ground Allegro Coffee in your flavor of choice
  • ¾ cup white or brown sugar
  • ½ cup coconut oil (liquid form)
  • ¼ cup olive oil

How to Make It:


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