
Dealing with dust mites? Get rid of the dust mites and keep them gone with this DIY mattress spray. Use essential oils to get rid of dust mites naturally.

Inside: Dealing with dust mites? Get rid of the dust mites and keep them gone with this DIY mattress spray. Use essential oils to get rid of dust mites naturally with this simple homemade dust mite spray.

Anyone else hate the idea of bugs and mites in your house? I can’t stand the idea of spiders, bugs, and mites. They really gross me out.

So, when I recently was looking at new mattresses and I saw that most homes have dust mites in mattresses I was so disgusted. The idea of sleeping on a bunch of mites is really gross.

I decided to see what I could do to help prevent and get rid of dust mites. I was happy to find a few things that will help. Not only is it easy to help prevent the dust mites, but you can also get rid of them if you currently have them.

If you are dealing with dust mites or just want to keep them away check out this DIY mattress spray for dust mites. This homemade dust mite spray will kill existing dust mites and keep them away in the future.

To start, if you don’t know dust mites are microscopic and can’t be seen. They live off of skin that is shed so mattresses and pillows make a perfect place for them to live.

Although you may not see the dust mites they can cause allergies. Signs of dust mites include sneezing, sniffling, and watery eyes.

You can kill off dust mites by using a mattress spray. You can buy mattress sprays online, but I just make my own. It only takes a few minutes to make and they will keep the dust mites away plus kill any that you currently have.

Items You Need For Homemade Dust Mite Spray


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