
Easy To Make DIY Drawer Organizer

Inside: Tired of messy drawers? Check out this easy to make DIY drawer organizer. These homemade dividers help you quickly and easily organize your drawers.

I have had a drawer in the kitchen that was driving me crazy. I felt like it was nearly impossible to organize.

Some of my kitchen drawers are smaller and so it doesn’t work with most drawer organizers that you see in the store. The ones that did fit in the drawer were just about useless and just slid around in the drawer.

I really wanted a nice-looking drawer organizer. I didn’t want a cheaper cardboard organizer that would just fall apart after a little while.

If you are anything like me you are spending time on Pinterest and Instagram just drooling over perfectly organized drawers.

I had just about given up on ever organizing the drawer when I saw a DIY tutorial someone had used for their desk drawer.

I thought it would be easy to adapt to my kitchen drawer and organize it. It works great in just about any sized drawer and will help keep your drawers well organized.

If you are looking for some easy DIY drawer dividers or organizers check out this easy tutorial below.

If you have been looking for that perfect solution check out this easy to make DIY drawer organizer. It works great in anything from kitchens to closets.

These homemade drawer dividers would work for so many drawers around the house. A few ideas to get you started are.

  • Kitchen Utensil Drawer (or knife drawer)
  • Junk Drawer
  • Sock Drawer
  • Makeup or Accessories

It is simple to make these drawer dividers for kitchen drawers or for your dresser drawers.

You can also see how I used the DIY drawer organizer for how to organize Tupperware.

You can see how to easily build it and a few ideas in the video below!

Materials Need For Homemade Drawer Organizer


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