
6 Tips For Summer Decluttering

Inside: Ready for a decluttered and organized home? Check out these 6 easy tips for summer decluttering. Get decluttered this summer quickly.

Summer is officially here and I am loving this weather. I have been working outside on landscaping and working in the garage.

With warm weather, it is the perfect time to declutter all around the house.

I have found it is easiest to declutter things in the season that you use them.

So take a few minutes and declutter all your summer items. It doesn’t take long and you will love how organized your home feels.

To get started you just need a few things. To start, you will need some time to declutter, I normally put aside about 30 minutes a day when I want to declutter.

Also, make sure you have some trash bags or boxes to put donations and garbage in. I am always shocked at all the garbage I come across when decluttering.

Check out my favorite tips and areas to declutter during the summer.

Declutter In The Garage

Summer is the best time to declutter in the garage. Not only is the weather warm enough to spend some time in the garage, but you also can go through and clean out all your tools.

Set aside 30 minutes or more to go through your garage. Make sure you are still using everything, if not donate them.

Below are some things to organize or get rid of in the garage during summer decluttering.

  • Sports Equipment
  • Paint
  • Yard Sprays
  • Garden Equipment
  • Tools
  • Car Supplies

You will feel so much better about your garage once you do some easy summer decluttering on it.

Declutter Summer Clothes


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