Inside: Don’t just rinse your produce with water. You can get off more pesticides and germs with this easy homemade produce wash. It only takes a few seconds!
Normally around now I like to publish my favorite things to buy each month to save money. I love to stock up on foods while they are at a great price.
However, right now in Indiana most of the grocery stores are pretty bare, so it makes it pretty hard to stock up.
So, instead, I decided to update and republish this old article on cleaning your produce.
With the virus going around I feel like it is even more important to make sure you are washing and cleaning your fruits and vegetables before you eat them.
My old way was the spray method that is listed at the bottom. You can use that if you only have a few fruits and vegetables.
If you are looking to clean a large amount I also have recommendations for that. Yes, it uses bleach to clean the produce. I know some people aren’t crazy about using it, but that’s what I am currently using based off of some reading I did.
Don’t just rinse your produce with water. You can get off more pesticides and germs with this easy homemade produce wash. It only takes a few minutes.
woman washing apples in the sink home kitchen
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