
A Sign Your Face Sends When You’re Not Healthy !

Dark circles and bags under your eyes are an often sign of stress and sleep deprivation. However, if this skin changes under your eyes are not going away even after a good-night sleep, you might be under a bigger psychological stress than you can imagine. Also, this could be a sign of eating too much, or too little, so your metabolism is dysfunctional. Be sure to get your liver checked immediately!

4. Changes on the upper eyelids area
This area is a mirror to the energy state your body and mind is at. Thus, is directly connected to the internal organ called the spleen, which is responsible for a strong immune system and the storage of white blood cells – leukocytes. Redness or swollen upper eyelids may be a result of a problem with your spleen.

5. Changes on the lower cheeks area
Discoloration on this skin area can mean that you eat too much, or you overburden your stomach in a single meal.

Loose skin can mean you have a metabolic disorder.

Swellings and blemishes on the lower cheek area can be a sign that your allergic on some food.

6. Changes on the upper cheeks area
“Sagging skin, enlarged pores, or a grayish discoloration of the upper cheeks indicate over-stressed lungs”. These symptoms are most likely to happen to heavy smokers and smokers over 40 years of age.

7. Changes on the tip of the nose
It is highly likely your nose becomes reddish when you’re ill and have a running nose, however, having a red tip of the nose for a longer period might mean that you have heart issues and check it with a doctor as soon as possible.

8. Changes on the skin between your nose and your mouth
This area has a name and it is philtrum. If you notice blemishes and wrinkles on this area it might be a sign that you’re under a lot of psychological stress lately. “Altered estrogen levels effect the function of the genital organs, which is reflected mostly in the area under the nose”.

9. Changes on the skin on the chin area
Blemishes, wrinkles and acne on the chin might be a sign of organ dysfunction in the lower abdomen. Also, “a protruding chin” may mean enlarged prostate – for men. For women, it is a sign that the woman is having a menstrual cycle and this is all due to altered hormonal levels.

Isn’t all this a sign that sometimes, you have to look from the outside to find what’s wrong with the inside. Right?

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