Between running errands and driving my kiddo to meets and practices my car often becomes a stinky, sticky mess. For a while, my son and a few friends were even eating breakfast every day in my car while I drove them from swim practice to school in the morning.
I pretty much had given up on keeping my car clean when we were sideswiped headed to a swim meet. Suddenly I found myself digging through our glove compartment trying to find our car registration paperwork.
What should have taken less than a minute took me about 10. There were power cords, multiple registrations and insurance cards from previous years, and even a couple of breakfast bars.
I was so frustrated I decided I never wanted to go through that again. After the accident, I started taking better care of my car. If you are tired of a messy car check out these amazingly easy car cleaning hacks.
Keep Things Organized
One of the first things I did after I got hit was organized my glove compartment. It’s easy to do and only costs a few dollars.
You can use a makeup bag to keep cords and chargers organized. It’s easy to keep everything together. I picked up mine at the dollar spot at Target for $2 and just added a label to it.
A small index card holder works great to organize all of your car paperwork. You can store your insurance cards, registration information, and more in the holder.
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