
Apply This Oil On Your Hair Roots For 1 Week For Continued Hair Growth

Preparation Process & Application:

Mix the Rosemary Essential Oil, Castor Oil, and Vitamin Capsules in a clean. Make sure everything is mixed thoroughly.

Transfer the oil mixture into a bottle with a lid. Put the lid on and close it and make it airtight to keep the mixture fresh.

The coconut oil is added just before the mixture is applied to your hair. To apply the mixture to your hair, measure 1 spoon of the oil mixture and put it in a bowl.

Add 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and mix the oils thoroughly.

Apply the final mixture to your hair roots and scalp. Massage it in with your fingertips for about 10 minutes.

Leave the oil mixture to work on your hair overnight. Wash it off the following day with a chemical-free shampoo and conditioner.

For best results repeat this oil remedy every day until you get the results you desire.


There you have it! You now know how you can Apply This Oil On Your Hair Roots For 1 Week for Continued Hair Growth!

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