
Bad Shower Habits For Your Health

A shower is so much more than just a way to clean ourselves. A shower is a morning wake up call, a natural stress relief, an aroma therapy, a bed time story…

However, the skin is the biggest organ in our body. And skin is directly affected by the shower. And through skin many other things can directly affect other organs and metabolitical processes.

Here are some things to think about the next time you take a shower.

Take contrasted showers – once you’re done with the whole shower process, turn on the shower to its fullest. This way, the full shower pressure will directly influence your body pressure, making it even out.

Bathing every single day

The skin creates a surface layer needed for our body to protest itself from outer bacteria and other influences, such as the UV rays. Washing off that layer on a daily bases with all the chemical ingredients, just to smell good, is not such a good idea. We’re not suggesting not to shower every day – just make sure you don’t rub yourself on a daily bases and rinse off with just pure water without any shower gels.

Shower after workout

It’s a natural demand from your body! You want to wash off that smell and sticky sweat, and release the tension from the muscles after a workout. However, don’t cool the body after a workout, taking long walks home, dinner or similar. Make sure to take a shower as soon as possible after the workout, even at the gym if they have one.

Regularly clean the head of the shower


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