
Bedtime Habits Only Happy Couples Do!

Following the same bedtime routine every day helps you to sleep better. While following a familiar routine, your brain receives a signal of the approaching bedtime and prepares your body for sleep. If you follow the same routine together with your partner, it will make your relationship more intimate and trustworthy.

5. Have a heart-to-heart talks

  • Pay attention to each other’s feelings. You don’t need to give advice or find immediate solutions to problems. Sometimes we simply want to talk and feel the care and support of our loved ones.
  • Psychologist Ryan Howes suggests dedicating a few minutes before going to sleep to expressing positive feelings to your partner. This will help end the day on a positive note and make you feel better. It also has a positive influence on your overall mood.
  • Try to forget about everything that happened that day, and leave all your problems and concerns outside the bedroom door. Tell your partner how much you love him or her. It’s very important to be serious and sincere when you express your feelings.

6. Don’t argue or get into heated conversations.

Curt Smith reminds us to try not to involve ourselves in heated arguments before going to sleep. Fighting in bed never helps to solve a problem. On top of that, it’s harder for both of you to fall asleep, and you’ll feel depressed the next day.

7. Keep your bedroom child-free.

According to psychologist Michael Viner-Davis, the only time you can let your children sleep in your bed is when they have a nightmare. At all other times, your bedroom should be your private space. You need to have that space for the 2 of you to maintain your intimacy.

8. Don’t share a bed with your pets.

As reported by University of Kansas research, 63% of people who sleep with their pets don’t get enough sleep. Your pet can’t sleep through the night and often disturbs your sleep. On top of that, having a pet in your bed violates “the rule of 2″ in your bedroom.

9. Give each other a massage.

Specialists from the National Foundation of Sleep confirm that a light and relaxing massage before going to bed improves the quality of your sleep, reduces anxiety, and brings couples closer together.

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