
Best Body Care Tips – Our Top 10

  • Take a raw potato and slice it
  • Apply the juice on the area around the nails where you have warts (dried out damaged skin)
  • Using a piece of cotton, massage the area gently
  • Wash off after about 10 minutes

4. Treating puffy tired eyes:

  • Take some cotton balls and rose water
  • Dip the cotton ball in the rose water and place these over the eyes
  • Keep on for about 20 minutes
  • Lie back and relax
  • It will help treat any puffiness you have around the eyes and also help relieve tired eyes

5. To get smooth skin:

  • Take 5 tsp olive oil and about 50 gm papaya paste
  • Mix the two together
  • Apply over dry areas on the skin
  • Do this twice daily to get naturally smooth skin

6. Face mask to treat wrinkles around the eyes:

  • Take 3 tsp raw milk and 3 tsp honey
  • Mix both together
  • Warm the mixture slightly
  • Apply this around the eye region and leave on for about 30 minutes
  • Wash off with warm water
  • This is a natural solution to reduce and prevent wrinkles around the eye region

7. Natural conditioner for hair:

  • Take some raw milk (preferably cold)
  • Before bathing, apply this over your hair using a brush to comb through, or using your fingertips or using a spray bottle
  • Leave this on for about 30 minutes
  • Wash off with your regular shampoo
  • Milk acts as a natural conditioner, leaving your hair soft and silky

8. Reduce dark spots:


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