
Best Morning Routine Ideas For A Productive

It helps you maintain healthy habits: When you set aside time every day for exercise or meditation, it becomes much easier to stick with those activities over time. You may even discover new ways to improve your health by finding new exercises or changing up your diet.

It gives you energy: When you start your day off with an invigorating walk outside or an energizing exercise session, it’ll make it easier for you to tackle any obstacles that come your way throughout the day.

They set the tone for everything else that follows: If you spend those early morning hours doing things that matter to you (instead of checking Facebook), then by dinnertime your head will be clearer, your mind will be sharper, and you’ll have accomplished more than if you’d spent them any other way.

Help you get up earlier: When you have a long list of things to do in the morning, setting aside time for a morning routine will help ensure that you don’t have to rush through your day. If you have time to spare, you can use it for other productive activities.

Allow you to relax when needed: This reduces stress levels in general and increases productivity overall. Having a relaxing activity at the end of your day gives your mind time to rest and recover from any negative emotions or thoughts that may have been plaguing it throughout the day.

Morning Routine Ideas For A Productive and Stress Free Day

#1 Drink Water. Drink water when you wake up. This helps with hydration, which can increase energy levels and improve brain function. Drinking water first thing in the morning gives you an opportunity to get it out of the way before all hell breaks loose at work or school, which means less stress on your mind later on in the day.

The water bottle used below is one of Amazon’s best selling and for good reason. Have you looked at the motivation labels on it? So cute!

#2 Listen to a Podcast. I love listening to podcasts on my commute to work, but it’s not always easy to find the time during the weekdays when my schedule is packed. So I decided to listen while getting ready in the morning — it takes no extra time at all, but it helps me feel more productive before I even start work!

Podcasts are great because they keep your mind active while you do something else — such as getting dressed. I recommend listening to something educational or inspirational before work, but if you’re not into that, try music or an audiobook instead.

#3 Make the Bed. Making the bed is an easy way to start the day. It takes less than 60 seconds, makes a big difference in your morning and it’s something you can do while you’re still half asleep.

And by making the bed as soon as we wake up, we’re essentially training ourselves to do more productive things during our morning routine.

clean bed white organized bed green plants surrounding white bed windows are open
Look at that clean bed.

#4 Eat a Healthy Breakfast Within 30 Minutes Of Waking Up.


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