
Can A Receding Hairline Grow Back Again?

Here are signs that your hairline is receding.

  • The hair strands on temples become thin.
  • The middle hair may stay closer to the forehead.
  • Then the hair finally forms “V” shape at the widow’s peak.
  • Lastly, the thin hair strands at the hairline start falling, leaving the hairline scanty.

You can notice these developments with two clear photographs of yourself (before and after shot maybe 3-5 months interval).

Receding Hairline Causes

Many factors contribute to receding hairline, but these first two connects with 90% cases I have seen since my career.

1. Genetics

The family trait has a connection with most cases of hair loss, grey hair, and receding hairline.

Dawn Davis, M.D., Dermatology, Mayo Clinic said:

“To assess your chances for hair loss, look at all relatives in your mother’s and father’s families.”

Hereditary can also determine how fast your hair falls, recede, the pattern, the extent, and the age it starts.

2. Aging

In men, baldness starts from the hairline as they grow older.

Studies have shown that receding hairline after the age of 40 is normal. And when you get to this stage, just know that there is no going back.

At old age, your hairline will continue to recced as you get older until you finally go bald.

3. Infection

Scalp infections like ringworm and dandruff can cause inflammation making it difficult for hair to grow.

And if not treated correctly and on time, these infections can be hair loss, which can start from the hairline or anywhere.

4. Lifestyle & Habits

Human stress, diet, and smoking should fall under this category.

“When you have a stressful event, it can shock the hair cycle, (pushing) more hair into the shedding phase,” explains Marc Glashofer, MD, a dermatologist in New York City

5. Hair Styling and Care Products


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