
Can Grey Or White Hair Turn Black Again Naturally?

Hereditary is one of the major and most common factors responsible for premature grey hair in men, women, boys, and girls.

When you have a history of premature gray hair in your family, there is a high probability that you and your hair will abide by the rules.

The gray hair gene grows with the person after birth, and when the time comes for it to show, it blows out, and there is no remedy to reverse the grey hair.

It’s either you leave it like that, or you apply hair dye because no matter what you do, it will still come back months or years later.

2. Low Or No Melanin Production

The cells in the hair follicles called “Melanocytes” produce two pigments (pheomelanin and eumelanin). These two pigments join together to produce human natural hair color.

As one lives, the melanocytes continue to inject pigment into the hair, giving its color. But with time, the melanocytes gradually reduce the production of pigment.

This time the hair starts changing to gray, and when the melanin production eventually stops, the hair turns to full-blown white.

3. Stress

TheConversation wrote this “There is no evidence to link the onset of greying to stress, diet or lifestyle.” but how true is this?

The kind of stress one is going through, whether emotional, physical, affects everything about the person.

For example, If you have ever stressed yourself for a long time, you will notice that you lost some weight during that period and won’t be thinking straight.

When the whole thing is affecting your body, do you think your hair will be left untouched? Just think about it. To back up this, here’s what Dr. Roopal Kundu said:

“Stress won’t cause you to go gray directly, but stress is implicated in a lot of skin and hair issues.” During an illness, for example, people can shed hair rapidly. And hair you lose after a stressful event like getting chemotherapy may grow back a different color”– Dr. Roopal Kundu, associate professor in dermatology at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine.

If you’re still doubting, try stress out yourself for some months and thank me later.

4. Lack Of Nutrition And Vitamin Deficiency


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