To keep cockroaches away it can be done with the following tips. Cockroaches will not stand a chance with these methods.
- Sprinkle Pegs of garlic around your home at nights
- Keep floors and countertops free from food droplets
- Empty trash cans before going to bed
- Don’t leave dirty dishes in the sink or dishwasher at night
- Sweep, mop, or vacuum your kitchen floor at night. Cockroaches hate clean places.
How to Naturally Keep Cockroaches Away at Nights
Toxic chemicals can also cause allergic reactions. The most natural way to keep cockroaches away is to do this. before going to bed at night lay pegs of garlic around your home. The smell of the garlic will deter them to another location. Pandan leaves and lemongrass are also used to keep roaches from crawling on you in bed. Essential oils are also natural insecticides too. Here are the best ones to use for roaches.
Essential Oils
- Lavender
- Citrus
- Eucalyptus
- Cypress Oregano
- Peppermint
- Rosemary
The smell of these essential oils is outstanding. Roaches go crazy when these are around. Simply dilute any of these oils with water and spray the area. Another way is to drop a few drops of those bad boys in a diffuser and say goodbye to the roaches.
How To Keep Roaches Away From Bed
To keep roaches away from your bed simply use any of these traps. These methods are sure to avoid cockroaches in your bed
- Food baits to lure them to the trap
- Boric acid sprinkled around the bedpost
- Sticky traps
- Mechanical trap- Ultraviolet lights
How To Know If You Have A Cockroach Infestation
Look For Egg Capsules
Cockroach’s eggs can be found in what Is called an egg capsule. Look for these and destroy them immediately. Cardboard boxes are one of the many places cockroaches love to hide and hatch their eggs. To avoid this remove all boxes from your home. It’s best to store items in a plastic storage container to keep roaches away. Another way to know if your home is infested with roaches is the smell.
Seeing Roaches In The Day
Roaches are nocturnal creatures. Roaming at night is what they do best. However, if you see a cockroach crawling around in broad daylight it means trouble. This is simply telling you that there is so much of them their nest is unable to hold them. This type of situation will have them frantically running around during the day.
Distinct Odor as it smells oily
These pesky bugs boast a distinct odor that is easily identifiable. If your room or home smells musky it could be a sign that the room is infested with cockroaches.
Cockroach Feces
The feces of a cockroach has its own unusual look. Most times this can be easily overlooked because of its close resemblance to ground coffee and black pepper. If you notice these droplets now would be the ideal time to set a trap to catch these rascals.
Cockroaches are smart they can adapt to an insecticide if used often. The trick is to use various types of insecticides this should keep them away. Below you’ll find a list of insecticides and traps for cockroaches.
Cockroaches Hiding Place In Your Home
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