- 3 tbsp. Coconut Oil
- 3 tbsp. Baking Soda
- 2 tbsp. Shea Butter
- 2 tbsp. Arrowroot Powder
- Essential Oils (optional)
Directions: Melt the shea butter and coconut oil in a double boiler on low heat until mixture is completely clear. Remove from heat and add the Baking Soda and Arrowroot Powder. Stir well.
Add essential oils of your choice (Oils added depends on your preference. Check beforehand for any irritation). Pour into a glass container or deodorant stick. Let cool for 2-3 hours. Enjoy!
9. Prevent Razor Burn:Â Get a close, smooth shave by swapping your shaving cream for coconut oil. The coconut oil will help to prevent ingrown hairs and razor burn – while moisturizing your skin at the same time. Simply, rub coconut oil on the skin before shaving, shave and pat dry.
10. Diaper Rash and Cradle Cap for Babies: With no added chemicals or artificial ingredients, coconut oil is 100% safe for babies. The lauric, capric  and caprylic fatty acids in coconut oil work to treat and kill fungus growth as well as health irritated skin. The high content of Vitamin E. prevents cracking and keep the skin soft.
Bonus:Â For new mothers, coconut oil doubles as a nipple cream for breastfeeding to soothe irritation.
Check out In Wealth & Health for 5 Effective Ways to Use Coconut Oil on Babies:
11. Prevents Stretch Marks During Pregnancy:Â For expectant mothers, there can be no bigger worry than dealing with stretch marks before or after pregnancy. Enter coconut oil. Coconut oil makes a great treatment remedy for stretch marks because it can penetrate deeply into your skin. The fatty acids in coconut oil strengthen the cell walls and reduce the appearance of your stretch marks.
12. Cuticle Treatment – Cuticle infections and nail fungus are primary causes for the lack of nail growth. Luckily, coconut oil contains anti-fungal fatty acids to prevent and stop fungus infections. Coconut oil also contains Vitamin E & K. These are essential vitamins to strengthen and grow your nails. Start by massaging your nails before bed with coconut oil and notice the difference in a matter of days.
13. Body Scrub: Mixed with salt or sugar, coconut oil can be used as an excellent scrub to exfoliating dry skin and feet. Here are a few of our favorite homemade sugar scrub treatments.
- DIY Peppermint Sugar Scrub Bars from Happy Mothering
- DIY Gingerbread Sugar Scrub from Mommy Musings
- Homemade Chocolate Coconut Oil Sugar Scrub by How Sweet It Is
 14. Soothes Psoriasis, Eczema, Dermatitis: Coconut Oil helps to provide an immediate relief on keeping the skin moisturized and the relieving the redness and burning caused by these skin conditions. The coconut oil is able to the stop the itching and flaking as well as heal the damaged skin to prevent scarring.
Coconut Oil for Teeth and Gums
15. OIL PULLING METHOD:Â Coconut oil pulling has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for more than 3000 years. It works by pulling the toxins and bacteria out of the gums. Bacteria found in the gums is a major cause of plaque, gum disease and gingivitis.
16. For Brighter, Whiter Teeth: Coconut oil whitens teeth and helps eliminate the plaque cause on your teeth that make them yellow. Try swishing around coconut oil daily to whiten teeth.
17) Instantly Fix Bad Breath:Â A study found coconut oil to be as effective as a mouthwash when it comes to killing germs and bacteria that cause bad breath.
FAQ Regarding Coconut Oil
How Do I Store Coconut Oil?
Coconut Oil should be stored at room temperature, away from direct sunlight.
Why is My Coconut Oil Solid?
At temperatures below 75°F (25°C), coconut oil will harden into a butter like texture. This is perfectly normal. The oil will revert to liquid form as soon as it comes into contact with your body. If necessary, apply low heat and it will transform into a liquid very quickly.
Should I refrigerate coconut oil after opening?
It’s your personal preference on whether to refrigerate coconut oil after opening, however, it’s not necessary.
How long is coconut oil good for?
Coconut oil has an average shelf life of approximately two years.
Does Coconut Oil Spoil?
Coconut oil can spoil if it comes into contact with other contaminants such as water, dirt or food particles for the long period of time.
How to Tell if Coconut Oil is Bad?
Look for signs of mold and check for smell or taste difference. If you notice any differences, throw it away.
How Should I Consume Coconut Oil?
There are many ways to consume coconut oil. Coconut oil is ideal for cooking since it has the high smoke point of 350°F for unrefined (400°F refined). It can be eaten by the spoonful, added to coffee, blending with a smoothie, and of course, applied topically to skin and hair.
 How Much Coconut Oil Should I Eat Daily?
According to research, to derive the full benefit of coconut oil’s medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), an adult should consume around 3 1/2 tbsp. of coconut oil daily. For those beginning to add coconut oil to their diet, it’s best to start out with a small amount adjust to how the body reacts to the dosage of coconut oil.
Is it Bad to Microwave Coconut Oil?
The jury is still out on whether the microwave oven radiation causes damage to coconut oil’s fatty acids and minerals. However, a similar study has been complete with evidence to avoid microwave ovens. A study published in the November 2003 issue of The Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture found that broccoli nuked in the microwave lost up to 97% of its beneficial antioxidants.
Can I Determine the Quality of a Coconut Oil by its Aroma or Flavor?
Typically, the highest quality of coconut oils has a very slight coconut aroma and flavor. Cheaper, low-end virgin coconut oil brands tend to have a very strong coconut fragrance, and a burning sensation from the MCTs when swallowed. Refined coconut oil’s will have no aroma or flavor because they have been bleached and deodorized. However, a strong or weak aroma doesn’t always indicate the quality of the coconut oil.
Can a Coconut Oil’s Quality be Determined by the Products Color?
According to Dr. Bruce Fife, author of the “The coconut Oil Miracle”, the oil’s quality can be determined by the color.
In his book, he provides the following on this topic:
“High quality virgin coconut oil should be snow white in color when it is solid and water clear when liquid. If the oil is some shade of yellow, it is an inferior quality. Pure coconut oil is colorless. Any discoloraton is a sign of contamination or excessive heating during processing. Contamination can be from mold or smoke residue.”
Is Coconut Oil Suitable for Someone with Nut Allergies?
Despite having “nut” in its name, coconuts are not classified as nuts. According to a study most people who are allergic to tree nuts can safely use and consume coconut oil, though you should always consult with a doctor if you have any allergies..