- Inhomemade deodorant or deodorant bars
- As an eye-makeup remover
- As a cloth diaper safe diaper cream
- In making your own Re-mineralizing Toothpaste
- To lighten age spots when rubbed directly on the skin
- To prevent stretch marks during pregnancy
- To support healthy thyroid function
- In homemade Mayo without the high PUFA vegetable oils
- To help increase sun tolerance and avoid burning
- As a naturally SPF 4sunscreen
- To get rid of cradle cap on baby– just massage in to head, leave on for a few minutes and gently rinse with a warm wash cloth
- Topically to kill yeast or yeast infections
- As a delicious tropical massage oil
- It’s high Lauric acid and MCFA content helps boost metabolism
- A tiny dab rubbed on your hands and then through hair will help get rid of frizz
- In homemade soap for laundry
- Mixed with equal parts sugar for a smoothing body scrub(use in the shower)
- Rubbed on lips as a naturalchap stick
- Topically, can help skin heal faster after injury or infection
- Directly on the perineum to help heal afterbirth
- As an incredibly intensive natural conditioner– Rub into dry hair, put a shower cap on and leave for several hours
- In homemade slow cooker soap
- In place of Lanolin cream on nursing nipples to sooth irritation (also great for baby!)
- Can help sooth psoriasis oreczema
- There is some evidence thatregular ingestion of coconut oil can help prevent or reverse Alzheimers
- With apple cider vinegar as a natural treatment for lice that actually works
- In healthy brain boosting snack for kids likeCoconut Clusters
- Rub coconut oil on the inside of your nose to help alleviate allergy symptoms
- Nursing moms often take 3-4 tablespoons a day (and Vitamin D) to increase milk supply and nutrients
- In homemade shampoo bars
- Mix a tablespoon with a tablespoon ofchia seedsfor an all-day energy boost (do NOT take this at night!)
- Can help improve insulin levels
- Oil pulling with coconut oiland a drop of oregano oil helps improve gum health
- Can help improve cholesterol ratios
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