Consume A Mixture Of Chia With Lemon And You Will Get A Flat Abdomen In 1 Week
Stepping into a weight loss program seems to be the trend of the millennium. Some want to follow the Bollywood celebrities to get onto the size-zero bandwagon. Some want to lose weight to be healthy an dot fit in with their peers. Eating that apple, guava, or that tangy raw tamarind isn’t just to satisfy our tastebuds with the nectarous taste. Eating organic seems to be the need of the hour now. We are very careful with our food choices now, be it buying food products, or ordering at a restaurant.
Apart from all of this, quick weight loss recipes, diets, regimens etc. have become the fad. Sure, there’s the Keto diet making waves in the fitness industry. But, we all know (us, Indians to be specific) that it’s really tough for us to not make a pit stop at a golgappa stall while returning home from work. What do we do then? We scan the internet and every other fitness journal looking for healthier, easier ways to catch the weight-loss train. And this time we did it for you. We stumbled upon an excellent natural remedy to lose weight, especially to flatten that stubborn abdomen that most of us have and that too in just a matter of one week (whistles). Don’t worry this doesn’t require you to starve your way out to a sculpted tummy, it just requires you to eat right.
The happy flat abdomen therapy that we’re talking about is a mixture of lemon and chia seeds. Yes, you heard that right, people. Consuming this mixture will help you flatten out that stomach in just one week while supplying all the essentials nutrients that your body requires you to have. Let’s understand this little better now.
What You’ll Need:
- Lemon Juice
- A tablespoon of chia seeds
- A spoonful of organic honey
- One and a half glass of water
How To Consume It:
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