
Do Highlights Damage Hair? Here’s What You Don’t Know

In the hair color sphere, anything can happen. You just need to watch your steps before you ruin your world.

Just like a school examination, before you pass, you must get ready **studying hard**

It is always vital you get everything set, available, and under control.


Here are things you should do and also have in mind before highlighting your hair.

1. Keep Healthy Hair Before Highlights

The main reason many hair highlights fail and hair gets damaged to/almost beyond repair; is because the hair strands are not healthy and strong enough to undergo the process.

Just like handicap and sick people don’t go for military training.

Your hair texture changes after highlights, now imagine what it will look like if unhealthy hair undergoes the highlighting process.

You and I know that the result is going to be brutal, and in some cases, hair strands go damaged beyond repair.

So it is good you avoid or cut down the use of heat styling tools and give your time to regain its lost strength and integrity (if not damaged beyond repair).

And when I say give it time, It should not be less than a week. Just make sure you do anything possible to make your hair healthy.

But in a case where the hair is partly damaged, I recommend you go for trimming or a haircut to chop off the split and damaged ends.

2. Understand the Hair

This should be the first thing to take note of, else every other thing you are doing or about to do is going to be like guesswork.

Understanding your hair type, porosity, what it likes and hates guides you toward the right path of beauty.

From the time being, we all expect a well-trained and professional colorist to know everything about hair type, what kind of care, and products; they all need to be healthy.

That’s true.

But these professionals are not all in all. The little they know and the experience they had is what they use to work.

A colorist won’t know which part of your body is itching until you tell him or her.

So it is necessary you know more about your hair, so you share the right information your stylist needs.

And to get this information; you must first build a tight bond with your hair.

Building this bond helps you understand: when your hair isn’t healthy, what it needs, and every other thing worth knowing.

3. Choosing the Damage-Free Color of Highlights


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