
Do Highlights Damage Hair? Here’s What You Don’t Know

Yes, you heard me right. Routines are to guide on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

But in this situation, you need to guide it first before it starts guiding you.

New arithmetic requires new formula: such is lightened hair.

Firstly, you need need to map out a routine that will keep hair strands healthy, hydrated, moisturized, and protected.

This part can be tricky; this is also the stage most people fail to understand and utilize properly.

You are the only person that understands your hair matters (From A-Z), i.e., you are in the position to know how to manage it properly and effectively daily at home or place of work.

But how do you achieve a perfect routine that will work for your hair when you don’t know where to start?

Worry no more!!

Just buy the recommended hair products for lightened hair (shampoo, conditioner, mask, and oil) and replace the older ones. Do this if this is your first time.

Adjust and your previous routine while keeping these tips in mind;

  • Don’t wash lightened hair with hot water.
  • Trim hair once in a while, that is; when needed.
  • Use a Wide-Toothed Brush, when and where it works for you.
  • Add these tips to your routine.

How to Repair Highlights Damaged Hair

Before you conclude that your hair is damaged.

Do you know what damaged hair looks like?

Well, Katerina, a pro colorist explained it in the simplest form, she said,

“Your hair is damaged if after showering, your hair dries almost instantly. That shows just how porous those color chemicals have made it.”

Did you see that? and Are you in that position?

If yes.

Sorry for the damage ( whether little or big) that happened to your hair during or after the processing.

But who should be held responsible? The colorist or the client?

Well, it’s not the best time to take blames. Instead, we should look for possible ways to fix this shit.

To repair color damaged hair it is either you visit an expert for pro treatment, or you apply some effective home remedies.

Here are some of our remedies plus tips for highlight damaged hair you should try at home.

1. Mix Coconut Oil and Aloe Vera Juice

Get a pure coconut oil and aloe vera juice. Take one small cup of the coconut oil and mix with one-two tablespoon of aloe vera ( just make sure it will be enough to cover all your hair)

Apply it to every corner of the damaged hair then leave it on hair for like 30-50 minutes.

You can use a shower cap to cover it if you have one.

After the recommended time, rinse hair with your usual shampoo for colored hair and apply your leave-in conditioner.

Repeat this process for at least 3-4 times a week, until you see a significant result.

In the absence of aloe vera juice, feel free to replace it with egg, avocado, or banana (They all work to load the hair with protein and vitamins).

2. Use Healing Masks and Butter on the Hair


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