Health & Fitness

Drink This And You’ll Lose 8 Pounds Of Belly Fat In Just 3 Day

Having a flat stomach means spending many hours at the gym. But, you might have not been aware that there
are other contributors to great abs, and that is the food you consume. Your diet actually accounts for 90% of the
abs and for that reason you have to pay close attention to what you eat.

The following recipe is amazing for providing a great shape for your abs. if you consume it on daily basis, you will

be able to reshape your belly. You will need only a few minutes for its preparation.

How to prepare it?

  • In a food processor place a bunch of parsley, and mix it.
  • Then, squeeze 1 lemon and add it into the parsley.
  • Next, add ½ cup of water in the mixture, blending it for a few more seconds.

Drink it on an empty stomach for 5 days. Then take a 10-day break and repeat the process. You will start noticing

results in 2-3 days. They key ingredient here is the parsley. It is high in vitamins crucial for proper digestion, while

the lemons are beneficial for burning fat. The mixture will improve your metabolism, too.

You can also consider these drinks:


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