
Fermented Rice Water For Hair Growth- Everything You Must Know

This question’s answer strictly depends on how it was stored, where it was stored, and the bottle or container’s condition used. But usually, fermented rice water can last for 3-4 weeks in a refrigerated condition.

Yes, you heard me right. I have seen a lot of opinions saying it should be in the fridge for only seven days.

But I had a long conversation with some ladies in that Facebook group, and one of them managed to preserve and finish up her fermented rice water in 2 weeks. (Not the seven days everyone is saying)

A lady even said she left her rice water for three weeks before use, and the result she got was astonishing.

But, what is the point of storing rice water for more than two weeks, when you can make another within a few days without stress?

If I am to recommend, I would say you should make enough rice water for 2-3 times usage. And when it finishes, make another one.

How to Make Rice Water and Store the Right Way

A plastic or bottle container is the best to store fermented rice water. And if you are choosing a container, make sure you go for a container that is in perfect condition.

Ensure air does not go inside by any means; you can even add nylon to the top opening before you put on the cover.

Nevertheless, here is a quick step-by-step process to prepare and store your fermented rice water.

  1. Take 2-3 spoons or a half cup of raw rice, pour some water into the rice, and wash, then drain the water off.
  2. After that, get a jar, pour the washed rice, and add 2 cups of distilled water to cover it.
  3. Add orange peels to the rice and water mixture and cover the jar.
  4. Please leave it to ferment under room temperature for 24 hours ( I believe this answers your questions on how long should rice water ferment.
  5. After that, strain out the rice and make sure no single rice seed drops into the water.
  6. You can use it right away or transfer the water into a very clean and well-covered bottle or plastic container and store it inside a refrigerator.
  7. You can also add essential oil to get rid of the smell if it’s still strong.

Not satisfied with the written guide? Here’s a complete video tutorial on how to make and use fermented rice water.

Also, don’t forget to warn your kids not to temper with the container.

Feel free to play around with the quantity of water you use, how long you leave the rice water to soak and ferment (but not longer than 24 hours)

Doing this will enable you to understand your hair for a better and outstanding result.

Rice For Hair Growth

Signs to Tell if Fermented Rice Water Goes Bad


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