
Fermented Rice Water For Hair Growth- Everything You Must Know

We should try to understand that it is a slow and steady process. It doesn’t just grow hair overnight or within one week.

It takes at least two weeks before you notice very significant hair growth. But you will see a quick difference in hair texture and overall hair integrity after the first or maybe the second try.

How Often Should You Use Rice Water on Hair?

It is recommended you use rice water once in 2 weeks or once in 4-6 weeks or even more, depending on your hair porosity.

For you to see a significant result in your hair health and hair growth.- you first need to know and understand your hair.

Some ladies told me they use it weekly, but they made sure their hair care for it and their hair is working in the right direction they desire.

In case you aren’t aware- rice water is a protein treatment, and the recommended amount of time to get a protein treatment is usually once a month.

Protein overload damages hair by altering hair structure, curl pattern and can cause breakage.

If you’re putting that much protein on your hair, you need to follow through with a deep moisture treatment.

Also, keep in mind that you should, for no reason, leave the rice water on your hair for a whole day.

5-30 minutes is the recommended time it should sit on your hair; anything higher than that can give you a bad experience.

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