
Five Tricks To Stop Clutter

Organize the Junk Drawer

If you are trying to get rid of clutter the junk drawer is a great place to start.

We have a drawer at our house that collects all the odd and end things. We used to just throw everything in the drawer and try to find it later.

Sometimes things wouldn’t fit so we would just put it on the tabletop above the drawer. Two years ago we got tired of sorting through the drawer every time we needed a pen or pencil and we organized it.

For about $10 we bought organizers to ensure that everything had a place. No more losing pens or tape. You can easily organize your drawer for a couple of dollars.

The dollar stores have all kinds of organizing baskets and trays. They work great to help clear out all that clutter in the drawers. Stop clutter with just a few dollars.

The junk drawer may just be one small drawer in your home but stopping clutter in your junk drawer can help you find the modivation to get rid of clutter in other spaces of your home.

With just 15 minutes time you can get rid of the clutter in a drawer and feel better about your house.

Donate Monthly

A couple of years ago I used Amvets to donate a big item we couldn’t move to Goodwill.

It was great because we didn’t have to move it, but the best part came later. I now get a phone call about once a month asking if I would like to make a donation.

Then, Amvets comes by my house to pick up all the stuff. It’s like a monthly reminder to get rid of things I don’t need in my house. I always say yes, because I know I can find clothes or toys that we don’t use anymore.

There are plenty of places that you can use to schedule a monthly donation for. Not only do you get rid of clutter in your home but someone else has the chance to get things that they need. It’s a win-win.

Only Buy What You Can Use

I have a really bad habit of buying things because they are a great deal. I see cute decorating things at garage sales or T.J. Max and I just want to buy it.

I try to only buy it if I know exactly where I am going to put it. If I buy it just because I like it I end up with too much clutter.

The same goes for clothes. I try to only buy it if I know where I will be wearing it. If it doesn’t fit into my everyday life it probably isn’t going to be useful.

Learning how to stop clutter in the home isn’t just about getting rid of the clutter. It’s also learning how to only buy what you really need so you have less things you need to have around your home.

Your home feels more inviting when you have less clutter. Plus, a clutter-free home just feels cleaner too.

By using these five clutter busters I have really eliminated lots of clutter from my life. What about you? What are your tricks to stop clutter in your house?

Want to get rid of more clutter? Check out the free 7-day decluttering challenge to stop clutter in your life. You will love it!


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