
Get Rid of Fruit Flies with Apple Cider Vinegar

Those pesky little fruit flies can come out of nowhere and can make your foods unhygienic and unhealthy. They are so small and very quick that makes them almost impossible to swat.

But fortunately, there is a very easy as well as effective method of getting rid of those annoying little species, that too by using a very common household ingredient- Apple Cider Vinegar

Getting Rid of Fruit Flies with Apple Cider Vinegar and Dish Soap

There are dozens of different methods to get rid of fruit flies, but this one of the most preferred of them all due to a couple of reasons. The method is pretty simple and very effective. What more? It requires only a couple of very common ingredients that are easily available in most of the kitchens.

The best thing about this mixture is, it works really well. So, let’s move further to learn more about the trick.

Here is what you need to do to get rid of fruit flies:

  • Gather organic raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar and regular dish soap you usually use in your kitchen.
  • Mix a few drops of dish soap with half cup apple cider vinegar.
  • Now, place the bowl containing the mixture close to the area you usually encounter the fruit flies.
  • If you see them around different areas, put a few bowls in each area.
  • The more traps you use, there are more chances to capture and obviously kill the fruit flies.
  • Now, you need to be a little patient. The traps aren’t going to capture the flies instantly. Wait for at least 24 to 48 hours for magical results.

Why this trick works


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