
Get Rid of Fruit Flies with Apple Cider Vinegar

Fruit flies are very tiny as well as quick, and that makes them very difficult to kill even if you use a swatter. If you want to eliminate them effectively, you’ll have to know them a bit.

Fruits and vegetables are the main sources of food for fruit flies, and they’re easily attracted to the sweet and pungent odors. Sweetness and fermentation can be very irresistible for fruit flies, and you get both with this method!

Apple Cider Vinegar, especially the raw, unfiltered one is the perfect trap for fruit flies not only due to its sweet and pungent smell but because of its fermented state as well. Both sweetness and fermentation of ACV can easily attract the fruit flies to the trap you’ve set.

Then what’s the use of dish soap?

Attracting fruit flies is only half job done. The dish soap works to break the surface tension of ACV so that it won’t be possible for fruit flies to sit on top of the liquid, soak in some sweetness and fly away.

The dish surface easily breaks the surface tension of the liquid and cause the flies to sink as soon as they sit on the upper layer.

In short, you can easily say that ACV attracts the fruit flies and dish soap cause them to sink inside, becoming a powerful and effective trap.

Hopefully, you got to know about an amazing trick to easily trap those annoying fruit flies. Try this method and see the wonderful results. You’ll be amazed not only with the easy-to-follow tricks but with amazing results as well.

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