
Hilarious Tweets Couples Shared About Moving in Together

In Love With Being Financially Responsible

However, it seems like these two love birds moved in together for all the wrong reasons. Moving in together before you’re truly ready can, after all, come with consequences. Getting a roommate might save you the potential heartbreak, just saying.

It’s when you start living together that you really learn just how similar—or in this case different—you really are.

Passive-Aggressive Poetry

From how often you wash your bed sheets and towels to how you load the dishes in the dishwasher, it can definitely be an adjustment for both parties. At least this girl knows to let her S.O. what’s up in a romantic way.

This has got to be one of the sweetest things ever! Twitter user Graham Moismann’s life before moving in with his girlfriend must have been kinda meh. Because using fabric softener when doing laundry truly is like wearing a hug all the time. Why do men wait for their significant others to teach them that?

Wearing a Hug

We wonder what he thought when he discovered that one of the “wonders” of fabric softener is that it makes your clothes smell amazing, too. It’s like having a parade of flowers following your around all day.

Having sleepovers is one thing, but once you move in with your loved one, you start to discover their weird habits—and they start to discover yours too.

Going Gaga For This Trailer

Just like this movie buff, who apparently watches the trailer for a A Star is Born as part of her bedtime ritual every single night. We’re sure he doesn’t judge her, though. Who doesn’t want to fall asleep to Bradley Cooper being handsome and Lady Gaga singing her heart out?

When you’re having sleepovers and visiting your S.O.’s place, you should be able to get a good read of what you’re in for when it comes to interior design once you move in together.

Decorating with Donald

But it looks like this sneaky beau did a good job hiding all sorts of Donald Duck items around his place before moving in with his girlfriend. Thankfully, it looks like she’s just as in love with it!

It looks like opposites really do attract! There are people who never go to the doctors, and then there are people who are totally health-conscious and like to be prepared for anything, anytime.

Being Prepared for “In Sickness and In Health”

Whether it’s having a bottle of Nyquil for those sleepless congestive-filled nights or having some Midol to deal with the red devil in your belly, there’s nothing wrong with stocking up for when you’re feeling under the weather.

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