
Hold Your Hand in This Position…You Won’t Believe What Follows

Hold Your Hand in This Position...You Won’t Believe What Follows
The little finger is responsible for self-esteem, stress, and nervousness. If you’re prone to diminishing your worth, you should really think about massaging it for 5 minutes. Try to think of something nice while doing it.

The palm

Hold Your Hand in This Position...You Won’t Believe What Follows
Press the fingers of one hand to the middle of the other palm. Massage it in circular motions, and inhale and exhale deeply three times. Reflexologists say the palm is the center of your feelings and emotions. Research shows that regular massaging of your palms helps prevent nausea, stress, diarrhea, and constipation.

Palms pressed to each other

Hold Your Hand in This Position...You Won’t Believe What Follows
This position is often used in meditation. It helps you concentrate and put your thoughts in order. By pressing your palms together you can improve your blood circulation.

Surya Mudra

Hold Your Hand in This Position...You Won’t Believe What Follows
This pose will help you improve your digestion and metabolism. The technique is also used for low blood temperature and loss of appetite.

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